- Ethical Hacking [Deakin, 2024]
- Cyber Security Management [Deakin, 2023]
- Analytics for Security and Privacy [Deakin, 2022-2023]
- Network Security [Deakin, 2022]
Capstone Projects [Deakin, 2022-2023]
- Systems Security [SUTD, 2020-]
- Foundations of Cybersecurity [SUTD, 2022]
- Capstone [SUTD, 2019-2020]
- Databases and Big Data Systems [SUTD, 2019-]
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms [NUS, 2018]
- Advanced Topics on Database Systems [NUS, 2016-2018]
- Introduction to Python Programming [Yale-NUS, 2017]
- Introduction to Computer Science [Birmingham, 2004-2010]
- Java programing [Birmingham, 2006-2010]